Command Reference Guide Frame Relay Interface Config Command Set
61200990L1-35E Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN 706
frame-relay multilink [ack <seconds> | bandwidth-class <class>
<threshold> | hello <seconds> | retry <number>]
Use the frame-relay multilink command to enable the Frame Relay multilink interface. When the no
form of this command is issued, all configuration options associated with this command and
cross-connects made to this interface are removed.
Syntax Description
ack <seconds> Optional. Specifies a wait for acknowledgement time (in seconds) for every bundle
link in the bundle. Range: 1 to 180 seconds.
bandwidth-class Optional. Specifies the class of operation, placing a minimum limit on the
acceptable amount of bandwidth required for a bundle to up.
<class> Optional. Specifies the class of operation. Range is A to C:
Class A A single active link is sufficient for the bundle to be up.
Class B All defined bundle links must be active for the bundle to be up.
Class C A minimum threshold of links must be active for the bundle to be up.
<threshold> Optional. Specifies the minimum number of active bundle links required for a class
C bundle to be in the up state. This option will not be available unless Class C is
specified. Range: 1 to 65,535 links.
hello <seconds> Optional. Specifies the time (in seconds) between hello messages for every
bundle link in the bundle. Range: 1 to 180 seconds.
retry <number> Optional. Specifies the number of times a bundle link will retransmit a message
while waiting for acknowledgement. Range: 1 to 5 times.
Default Values
The default ack value is 4 seconds. The default hello value is 10 seconds. The default <class> value is a.
The default retry value is 2.
Applicable Platforms
This command applies to the NetVanta 1000R, 3000, 4000, and 5000 and Total Access 900 Series units.
Command History
Release 9.1 Command was introduced.
Functional Note
This command is different from ppp multilink. In ppp multilink, if multiple cross-connects are configured
for the PPP interface without multilink PPP being enabled, the first link to bring up LCP will be the only link
actually cross-connected. In Frame Relay multilink, since there is no protocol corresponding to LCP, all
cross-connects will be removed and the user will be free to re-issue any cross-connect.