July 2008 19
LPG Discharge Containers for Inert (200 bar) and Inert (300 bar)
Product Name Description LPCB Ref. No.
10800080 80 litre cylinder (200 bar) 446a/19
11400060 140 litre cylinder (200 bar)
10800300 80 litre cylinder (300 bar)
11400300 140 litre cylinder (300 bar)
LPG Check Valves for Inert (200 bar) and Inert (300 bar)
Product Name Description LPCB Ref. No.
20006050 ¾" check valve 446a/20
LPG Nozzles for Inert (200 bar) and Inert (300 bar)
Product Name Description LPCB Ref. No.
30400000 ⅜” 360° nozzle 446a/21
30400001 ¾” 360° nozzle
30400002 ½” 360° nozzle
30400003 1” 360° nozzle
30400004 1 ¼” 360° nozzle
30400005 1 ½” 360° nozzle
30400006 2” 360° nozzle
30400007 ⅜” 180° nozzle
30400008 ¾” 180° nozzle
30400009 ½” 180° nozzle
30400010 1” 180° nozzle
30400011 1 ¼” 180° nozzle
30400012 1 ½” 180° nozzle
30400013 2” 180° nozzle
a) This range of equipment is suitable for storage from @ 20º to 55ºC
b) Systems are specified as follows:
HFC23: System pressure is specified as 41 bar @ 20°C, maximum filling density 0.85 kg/l.
HFC125: System pressure is specified as 41 bar @ 20ºC, maximum filling density 0.93 kg/l.
HFC227ea: System pressure is specified as 41 bar @ 20ºC, maximum filling density 1.15 kg/l.
c) Systems with HFC23 are not superpressurised.
d) Components listed are appropriate for the gas as indicated.
LPG HFCS Discharge Valves, including syphon tube for HFC23
Product Name Description LPCB Ref. No.
2131910 LPG190-13 446a/03
2131450 LPG145-13
2131280 LPG128-13
LPG HFCS Discharge Valves, including syphon tube for HFC125 and HFC227ea
Product Name Description LPCB Ref. No.
2001910 LPG190-00 446a/04
2001450 LPG145-00
2001280 LPG128-00