
July 2008 3
The purpose of the LPS 1204 scheme Requirements for firms engaged in the design, installation and
commissioning of fixed fire systems is to provide an assurance that fixed fire systems, extensions and
alterations using gas or powder as a suppressant perform correctly. Sprinkler systems are covered by the
LPS 1048 scheme (see Part 5 Section 1).
It is recommended that the responsibility of the supplier for provision of the system in total, (including the
integration of the following facets), be established at the contract stage:
Risk assessment.
Extinguishing design concentration.
Enclosure structural/leakage integrity.
Discharge/Post discharge venting.
Electrical system integration.
LPS 1204 Certificated Firms (Section 1A)
Firms listed in Section 1A are authorised by the LPCB to issue a Certificate of Conformity for fixed systems to
the LPCB recognised specifications identified in LPS 1204.
Additionally, firms which are Certificated Supervising Firms are identified. These firms are authorised by the
LPCB to supervise Registered Firms.
LPS 1204 Registered Firms (Section 1B)
Firms listed in Section 1B are recognised by the LPCB to design and install under the supervision of an LPCB
Certificated Firm.
In this publication there are no Registered Firms listed.
Certification of Fixed Systems and LPCB Certificates of Conformity
It is a requirement of LPS 1204 that Certificated Firms shall issue an LPCB Certificate of Conformity in respect
of each completed installation, extension and alteration.
Additionally, a Certificated Supervising Firm shall issue an LPCB Certificate of Conformity in respect of each
completed installation, extension and alteration which is designed and installed by a Registered Firm.
The issue of an LPCB Certificate of Conformity:
(a) certifies that the fixed system, extension and alteration is designed, installed and commissioned in
accordance with the LPCB recognised standards identified in LPS 1204 and
(b) ensures that the certificated system, extension and alteration is recorded by the LPCB.
Additional Offices
Where a firm has additional offices, each office must meet the requirements LPS 1204 to be eligible for
certification, and is separately listed.
LPCB Inspection of Fixed Systems
During the LPCB six-monthly follow-up inspection of Certificated and Registered firms completed fixed
systems are selected and inspected for conformity with the specified recognised standards.