
Chapter 2 The Agent Data Unit
20 Agent Data Unit Server Programmers Guide
Queue ADU Fields
The following ADU fields are used by queues on Avaya IC.
voice.X.leg_id unique id (UUID) Unique leg_id of the current leg of the
voice.X.loginid loginid Login id of client at end point X.
voice.X.origin phone number Phone number (ANI) at other end of end
point X.
voice.X.queue delta time The elapsed time in seconds between
the creation of an EDU and the time at
which the switch reports the call as
voice.X.queue_number queue number Queue number configured within the
CallCenter switch as an Application
voice.X.queuetime time in seconds Time reported by the switch between a
call arriving on an inbound trunk of the
switch and the call being sent to an
agent queue.
Note: Currently, this value is always zero
(0). Subsequent releases of the
telephony server will supply more
meaningful values.
voice.X.ringtime time in seconds Time reported by the switch between
agent phone starting to ring and agent
answering the phone.
voice.X.talktime time in seconds Time reported by the switch between
agent answering the phone and agent
hanging up the phone.
voice.X.transfer phone number The phone number to which the call has
been transferred.
Field Name Description Set By
abandoned The total number of contacts that have
been abandoned before reaching an
agent from this queue.
Media Connector
connector The UUID of the media connector server
responsible for the queue.
Media Connector
contactcount The number of contacts currently in the
Media Connector
(Sheet 1 of 2)
Name Value Explanation