
System Considerations
The Max Active Adus configuration parameter, described below, should be set with consideration
for system capability. The number of ADUs that can be effectively handled by the ADU Server is
proportional to the system's available memory and processor speed. A typical ADU requires 40K
in memory. Active agent sessions might require 60K or more. Memory can be conserved by using
the same data names in many ADUs. The memory space for name storage is shared. The memory
used for storage of values, however, is not affected.
Processor usage may be decreased by setting values in groups as opposed to one at a time. When
possible, gather sets of name/value pairs and apply them all at the same time.
ADU Server Alias Name
When setting an alias name for the ADU Server, note that the name localADU is reserved. In a
WAN environment, it is used to segregate an ADU Server that has been taken offline. Refer to IC
Administration Volume 1: Servers & Domains for information on setting alias names for servers.
Configuration Parameters
The ADU Server is configured through the IC Manager. Refer to IC Administration Volume 1:
Servers & Domains for configuration instructions. The following table lists the label used when
configuring with IC Manager, followed in parentheses by the parameter name as it is required
internally by the server.
Label Description
Checkpoint frequency
Minimum interval period in seconds between requests to checkpoint a specified ADU
into the DUStore server. A value of 1 means do not checkpoint.
Idle Time
Number of minutes an ADU may remain inactive before being terminated. The default
is 90 minutes. Minimum is 1 minute, maximum is 30 days.
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