Chapter 7 ADU Server Methods
62 Agent Data Unit Server Programmer’s Guide
This method allows the caller to specify which types of events are saved when ADUs are sent to
the server named in the eventsink configuration parameter. The filter takes effect in subsequently
created ADUs, not existing ones. All events generated for all subsequent ADUs are checked
against the permissions in the bits set in the mask argument. Events already generated are not
The SetHistoryFilter()method can be used to override the default filter for individual ADUs.
The bits are defined in the file generic.idl as:
End events (ADU.End) cannot be filtered out. They must be included in the stored ADUs. Data
elements in the End event can be filtered with the aduhskeepname configuration parameter.
IDL Syntax ORBStatus SetHistoryFilter( in ADU_ID aduid, in unsigned long mask ) ;
Description This method allows the caller to specify which types of events are saved when an individual ADU
is sent to the server set with the eventsink configuration parameter, overriding the default history
filter for one ADU. The filter takes effect immediately. All subsequent events generated are
checked against the permissions in the bits set in the mask argument. Events already generated are
not affected.
The bits are defined in the file vespidl.idl as:
The end event (ADU.End) cannot be filtered out. It must be included in the stored ADU. Data
elements in the End event can be filtered with the aduhskeepname configuration parameter.
Input Parameters
HS_NOSTART (unsigned short)0x01 Do not record new events
HS_NOCHANGE (unsigned short)0x02 Do not record change events
HS_NOTRANSFER (unsigned short)0x04 Do not record transfer events
HS_NOUSER (unsigned short)0x08 Do not record user-defined events
HS_NODELETE (unsigned short)0x10 Do not record delete events
HS_NOSTART (unsigned short)0x01 Do not record new events
HS_NOCHANGE (unsigned short)0x02 Do not record change events
HS_NOTRANSFER (unsigned short)0x04 Do not record transfer events
HS_NOUSER (unsigned short)0x08 Do not record user-defined events
HS_NODELETE (unsigned short)0x10 Do not record delete events
aduid Agent Data Unit Identifier.
mask Permission bits to be set.