Chapter 7 ADU Server Methods
58 Agent Data Unit Server Programmer’s Guide
For example, field quark was set twice, once at ADU creation (11:37:00am, by Scott, to “truth”)
and again at ADU transfer (11:38:00, by Jane, to “charm”). Specifying flags =
Input Parameters
Output Parameters
header[0] = ADU_GSGETVALUE; //first subelement is the text
header[1] = ADU_GSGETTIME; //second is time
header[2] = ADU_GSGETWHO; //third is who
names[?] = “quark”; //one of the names returned will be quark
values[?][0][0] = “truth”; //values[13] is parallel to names[13], and the
//first value that was set was “truth”
values[?][0][1] = “8145264302”; //the time_t it was set (11:37:00am)
values[?][0][2] = “Scott”; //Scott set it
values[?][1][0] = “charm”; //next value set was “charm”
values[?][1][1] = “8145264362”; //set at this time
values[?][1][2] = “Jane”; //by this loginid
aduid An ADUID of an existing ADU.
flags One or more of the ADU_GSGET flags, OR'd together.
Flags are:
#define ADU_GSGETVALUE 0x01
#define ADU_GSGETTIME 0x02
#define ADU_GSGETWHO 0x04
headers A list of ADU_GSGET values.
names A list of ADU data names.
values A list of data values (one per name), which are lists of value histories
(one per value), which are lists of fields (text, when, and who).
VESP_SUCCESS Request was successful.
VESP_ERROR ADUID was not found.