Method Objectives
Clients request Avaya IC servers to perform various functions by issuing server-specific method
invocations. These methods behave in a similar fashion across all servers. For example, when you
invoke any of the various ADU Server Set methods, existing values are overwritten. Values that
did not previously exist are created. With the exception of the Delete methods, all of the ADU
Server methods generate change events to indicate changes or additions. If an error occurs,
exceptions are raised.
This chapter defines the methods provided with the ADU Server.
Note: Some program examples were formatted to fit the page. Actual program lines cannot be
arbitrarily split.
Exception Information
The ADU Server methods may return the following exception information:
Cannot use empty token
Improper special token for this method
Improper use of a special token
No listing for home server for that ADU
No such name: <name>
No such ADU: <aduid>
No WAN ADU services in this version
Not an ADU id: <aduid>
Server only attribute
Too many characters in token
Too many dot separators
Too many names at the same time
Unknown error
ADU is read-only