Chapter 7 ADU Server Methods
54 Agent Data Unit Server Programmer’s Guide
Description This method is reserved. ADU Servers use this method to pass events to each other. Client
applications should not call this method.
IDL Syntax ORBStatus GetActive( out SeqADU_ID aduseq ) ;
Description This method finds all the active ADUs at the time the call is made. Note that only ADUs currently
in memory are found.
Output Parameters
C Program Example
SeqADU_ID ADU_ids;
/* Initialize a sequence of ADUs (0 specifies no limit) */
ADU_ids._maximum = 0;
ADU_ids._length = 0;
ADU_ids._buffer = NULL;
status = Vesp_Request("ADU.GetActive", callback, user_data,
session, &ADU_ids );
IDL Syntax ORBStatus GetOneValue( in ADU_ID aduid, in string name, out string value ) ;
Description This method retrieves one value from an ADU.
Input Parameters
Output Parameters
aduseq A list of active ADUs.
VESP_SUCCESS Request was successful.
aduid Agent Data Unit Identifier.
name ADU element to be returned.
value One returned value from the ADU.