Chapter 10 Managing PNNI Routing
Avaya M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide 161
Set PNNI node timers to default values
Use the following command to set the PNNI node timers to their default values.
Set PNNI node timers
Use the following command to set PNNI node timers.
M15-155s8:/>route pnni config timers default <index(All=99)>
<index> the index of the timer , to set all timers type 99
Note: This request will set value for timers , according to
the index parameter.
Changes will take effect immediately.
M15-155s8:/>route pnni config timers set <index> <value>
<index> the index of the timer as appear in the ‘show’ screen.
<value> the value that the selected timer will get.
<level> Internal level number: 1 is the lowest (physical)
route pnni config timers set 1 15 1
Note: This request will set value for timers , according to
the index parameter.
Changes will take effect immediately.