Appendix D Creating PVPs
Avaya M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide 295
Note: A previously defined PVP on a vport will be disabled if you type in the
command vport set sigvpcvpirange. In order to re-enable the PVPs, use the
pvp enable command.
Note: Before the vport parameter may be set, it must be disabled as shown in the
above examples.
Creating a Traffic Descriptor
A Traffic Descriptor must be defined with the service class that will be used to
transport the traffic and the bandwidth that is required. The example below defines
a traffic descriptor where its td_id = 5 and a cell rate of 4152 cells per second.
To determine which td_id is available, type td show to display all defined Traffic
Example 2 Module 1
M15-155s1:/>vport disable 1.1.0
M15-155s1:/>vp set sigvpcvpirange 1.1.0 [5..5]
M15-155s1:/>vport enable 1.1.0
Module 3
M15-155s3:/>vport disable 3.2.0
M15-155s3:/>vp set sigvpcvpirange 3.2.0 [5..5]
M15-155s3:/>vport enable 3.2.0
<root vport
Virtual port identifier in the form<slot>.<port>.0
<range> in the form: [<lower bound>..<upper bound>] <lower bound>
must be the minimum VPI number for VP switching as defined by
"hardware vpcvpirange"
M15-155s1:/>M15-155s1:/>td setup CBR <td_id> pcr0+1=<pcr0+1>
Example 1: Module 1
M15-155s1:/>td setup CBR 5 pcr0+1=4152
Example 2 Module 1
M15-155s1:/>td setup CBR 5 pcr0+1=4152
Module 3
M15-155s3:/>td setup CBR 5 pcr0+1=4152