
Chapter 15 Managing the LES/BUS
204 Avaya M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide
Display ATM Forum compliant statistics for a LES
To display the ATM Forum compliant statistics for a LES, use the lane les
stats command.
Enabling or disabling a LES
To enable or disable a LES, use the lane les state command.
Note: The above command will take immediate effect. The command must be used
with care as all LECs will be thrown off the ELAN hosted by the LES.
M15-155s8:/>lane les stats <elan-name>
The ELAN name that hosts the LES.
This parameter is case-sensitive.
M15-155s8:/>lane les stats default
Number of successful Join responses 23
Number of version not supported errors 0
Number of invalid request parameters errors 0
Number of duplicate LAN destination errors 0
Number of duplicate ATM address errors 0
Number of insufficient resources to grant errors 0
Number of access denied for security reasons errors 0
Number of invalid LEC ID errors 0
Number of invalid LAN destination errors 0
Number of invalid ATM address errors 0
Number of mal formed request 0
Number of registration failures 0
Number of LE_ARP_REQUEST frames received by the LES 4498
Number of LE_ARP_REQUESTs that the LES forwarded 2
M15-155s8:/>lane les state <elan-name> <param>
<elan-name> The name of the ELAN that currently hosts the LES that you
wish to change or display. This parameter is case-sensitive.
<param> To activate the LES enter either “on” or “enable”.
To deactivate the LES enter “off” or “disable”.