
Chapter 16 Managing an ELAN
Avaya M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide 213
To create a new ELAN, enter the lane elan create command:
Deleting an ELAN
When you delete an ELAN, no new LECs that specify the ELAN name will be able
to find it. However, the LECs currently using the deleted ELAN will be not be
affected until they lose connection to the LES and try to re-connect.
You must be aware of the following changes that will be required when you delete
an ELAN:
Any LECs that specified the deleted ELAN must now be configured to use a
new ELAN.
If the deleted ELAN was a default ELAN then you should define a new default
ELAN to replace the deleted ELAN.
Any LES or LESes that hosted the deleted ELAN should be deleted, wherever
the LES may be located in the network.
To delete an ELAN, enter the lane elan delete
Note: The above change will take effect immediately.
M15-155s8:/>lane elan create <newname> <les-id> ethernet
M15-155s8:/>lane elan create elan1 auto ethernet
The name of the new ELAN.
<les-id> auto
If the LES is located in an Avaya M770 then
you should use “auto”.
ATM address
If the LES is located in a device other than
the M770 then you must specify its ATM
M15-155s8:/>lane elan delete <name>
<name> The name of the ELAN to be deleted.