The Satellites Page displays GPS and satellite information,
time, elevation, and the battery indicator.
It is the rst page in the default PAGE button order. If you
have removed the Satellites Page from the PAGE button
order, go to MENU > Satellites to view it.
Constellation and Signal Graph
Both the satellite constellation and the satellite signal
graph display visible satellites and their identifying
numbers. The satellite constellation depicts each satellite’s
position in the sky relative to the device’s current position.
The signal graph bars indicate the strength of each
satellite signal.
The icons in the satellite constellation and the lines in the
signal graph are color-coded based on the quality of the
data they are transmitting:
Red–The receiver is tracking the satellite, but it is not
using it to navigate.
Green–The receiver is tracking the satellite,
ephemeris data is available, and the satellite is being
used for navigation.
Yellow–The receiver is tracking the satellite, predicted
ephemeris data is available when a 3-D x has not
been obtained, and the satellite is being used for
Blue–The receiver is tracking the satellite, ephemeris
data is available, the satellite is being used for
navigation, and WAAS corrections are available.
GPS and WAAS Status
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a system of
satellites that orbit the earth to provide position and
navigation information. The Wide Area Augmentation
The Satellites Page
The Satellites Page