To reset the default layer settings (all check boxes
selected and data ordered as in the list above), go to
MENU > Restore Layer Defaults.
Data Management
After you add a map—also called a map package or a map
le—from a compatible DeLorme mapping program or
the DeLorme Online Map Center to the PN-Series GPS,
you can show or hide it on the device; view details about
it, including where it is stored; or delete it. To change the
priority of how different types of map data are displayed,
see the previous section—Data Layering.
For more information about the types of data you can add
to your device, see Detailed Map Data on page 4.
To manage maps and data
From the Map Page, go to MENU > Map Setup > Data
Management to view a list of the map packages you
have stored in your device's internal memory or on an SD
card in the device. When you highlight an item, the type
of data and location shows at the bottom of the screen.
To show the map package, select its check box.
To hide the map package, clear its check box.
To select/deselect all check boxes, go to MENU >
Select All or MENU > Deselect All.
To view the map package on your device, highlight
it and go to MENU > View Map.
To view details for a map package, highlight it and
go to MENU > Data Detail. This displays the name,
data types, zoom level, scale information, save date,
location (internal or SD card), and version information.
To delete a map package, highlight it and go to
MENU > Data Detail > Delete.
Turn Imagery On/Off
When you have added map packages that include
imagery to your PN-Series GPS, you can quickly turn
the imagery off or on.
From the Map Page, go to MENU > Turn Imagery On
or Turn Imagery Off.
The Map Page