
The Routes Page
Manage Routes
To view route details
On the Routes Page, select a route to open its details
page. If the route name is in bold text, it is displaying on
the map.
To navigate with or view a saved route on
the map
1. From the route details page, select Navigate or View.
2. If the route has never been calculated, select Hike or
Drive. The route displays on the map. If you selected
Navigate, the device is in navigation mode. If you
selected View:
» To hide the route, go to MENU > Hide Route or
press QUIT to return to the route details page, and
then select Hide.
» To begin navigating, press QUIT to return to the
route details page and select Navigate.
To reverse a route
From the route details page, go to MENU > Reverse
Route. Then, on the route details page select Navigate
or View.
To simulate navigation
When you simulate navigation, track recording is turned off.
From the route details page, go to MENU > Simulate
Navigation. When you see the Simulate Navigation
message, select OK. The Map Page opens and simulates
the route. You can access the following settings from any
default page except the Satellites Page.
To change the simulation speed, go to MENU >
Simulation Speed and then select a speed.
To stop simulation, go to MENU > Stop Simulation.
To delete a route
From the route details page, go to MENU > Delete Route.
When you see the conrmation message, select Yes.
To delete all routes
This deletes all routes; to delete a specic route, view the
route details page.
1. From the Routes Page, go to MENU > Delete All
2. On the Manage Memory screen, the Delete All
Routes check box and Delete Now button are se-
lected. Press ENTER.
3. When you see the conrmation message, select Yes.
Directions Page
When you are navigating a route, the Directions page is
available in the default PAGE button sequence (after the
Trip Info Page). You can also view the Directions page for