
Oil Catch Tank (Kit)
Use the oil catch tank for the engine blowby gas.
Oil Catch tank: 52001-0002
Tank Capacity: Approximately 570 cc
Oil Catch Tank Installation
Install the mounting bracket with regulator under the cross pipe of the frame by the bolts
(use the original regulator mounting bolts).
Install the oil catch tank to the bracket as shown in the illustration.
Used Bolts: 13061-0113 (X3)
After installing the oil catch tank, make sure not to interface with the drive chain,
swingarm (suspension at fully bottomed).
Close the boss of oil drain of the oil catch tank with M6 bolt and gasket, add the wiring
not to be missing.
Oil Catch Tank Hose Installation
1 92192-0226 Crankcase to oil catch tank
2 92192-0227 Oil catch tank to air cleaner
Remove the original breather hose (92192-0035).
Install the hose clamps so that the kit clamps (92171-0338) are catch tank side and the
original clamps (92171-0391) are other side on the hoses.
Run the hoses as shown in the illustration.
Protect the hose and check the no blockade at the its curved part when the hose is afraid
of interfering with edge part on the way of the hose routing. Specially, about the hose
toward the crankcase, check the no blockage by the fuel pump.