Electrical System
Use the original battery with 12 V 10 Ah or more capacity.
Main Harness and Sub Harness (Kit Part)
Main harness and sub harness are available for racing use as kit parts. Select one of them
in accordance with your race regulation.
Main Harness (with Original Meter and Kit Meter): 26031-0328
Sub Harness (with Throttle Bodies): 26031-0329
Sub Harness (with Kit Meter): 26031-0307
Sub Harness (with Original Meter): 26031-0308
Sub Harness (with Original Meter and Original Main Harness): 26031-0244
Meter (Kit Parts) Installation
1. Shift Up Indicator Lamp (Kit): 23016-0006
2. Tachometer with Water Temperature Gauge (Kit): 25031-1142
3. Damper (Kit): 39156-0098
4. Meter Bracket (Kit): 11053-1673
5. Collar (Kit): 92152-0058
6. Rivet (Kit): 92039-1106
7. Bracket (Kit): 11053-1747
8. Bracket (Kit): 11053-1748
9. Bolt (Kit): 130J0618
10. Nut (Kit): 92015-1233
11. Ram Air Duct (Original): 39045-0014
Insert the three collars [5] into the damper [3].
Insert the rivet [6] from the backside of the meter bracket [4] and fix them.
Install the bracket [4] to the original air duct [11].