DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets
Issue 5
May 1998
Install Management Terminal and Activate System
Page 3-24Administer Fiber Links (Release 6r Only)
Administer Fiber Links on Simplex Systems
1. Administer the TN570 Expansion Interface and the TN574 or TN1654 DS1
Converter circuit packs. Enter the change circuit packs command and
Enter. See Screen 3-9.
Screen 3-9. Circuit Packs Form
2. Scroll through the pages on the form until the carrier containing the new
circuit packs displays. Enter the circuit packs into the appropriate slot
locations on the form. Press
Enter when finished.
3. Enter the list fiber command. All administered fiber connections display.
4. If a previously used fiber link is to be reused, enter the add fiber
<number> command. If this is a new fiber link, enter the add fiber next
command. The Fiber Link Administration screen appears. Use this form to
administer fiber links, each of which is identified by a fiber number.
5. Enter y or n in the field Is one endpoint remoted via DS1
Converter complex? and press
6. Enter the location of the TN570 and the TN574 or TN1654 circuit pack for
7. Scroll to page 2 of the form. Enter y as applicable, in each Facility
Installed? field (A, B, C, and D).
8. In the Bit Rate: field, enter either 1.544 (T1) or 2.048 (E1).
9. Enter the idle code in the Idle Code MSB (1) . . . . LSB (8):
field. The default value is 11101000. It is recommended that the default
value be used unless it becomes absolutely necessary to change it. The
“MSB” means Most Significant Bit, the “LSB” means Least Significant Bit.