DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets
Issue 5
May 1998
Install Management Terminal and Activate System
Page 3-26Administer Fiber Links (Release 6r Only)
All Installations
1. When the system reset is finished, enter the status port-network 2
command. The Port Network Status screen appears. Verify that PNC
Active is “up” and that the Service State is “in.”
2. A Span LED, on the front of the DS1 Converter circuit pack, must be on for
each active facility administered. For example, if Facility A and Facility B
are administered, then the top 2 Span LEDs on the circuit pack must be on
(yellow). The yellow LEDs are on only if no problems were encountered
during the administration of hardware. Span LEDs associated with
non-administered facilities (C and D, in this example) should be off.
3. Perform a test call, if desired.
Administer Fiber Links on Duplex Systems
The PNC Duplication feature is enabled on the System-Parameters Customer-
Options form and Operation of Duplication is enabled on the Duplication-Related
System-Parameters form. All non-duplicated SNIs to SNI fiber links are
automatically duplicated.
When PNC Duplication is enabled on the System-Parameters Customer-Options
form, the following administration forms change:
■ Cabinet Form — Additional fields appear to allow administration of switch
nodes to A-PNC and B-PNC sides of the CSS. The B-PNC is the
duplicated hardware for the A-PNC. Either the A-PNC or the B-PNC can
provide full customized service. B-PNC cannot be used in a simplex PNC
configuration. Pairing of switch nodes is also defined here.
■ Fiber Link Administration Form — Additional fields appear to allow
administration of fiber links on the B-PNC side of the CSS. If an endpoint
on the A-PNC side is administered as an SNI, its corresponding endpoint
on the B-PNC side is determined (if switch nodes are paired in the cabinet
form prior to this administration) and displayed. However, administration
of the duplicate B-PNC link is not enforced until duplication is in full
■ Duplication-Related System-Parameters Form — An additional field
appears to enable operation of PNC duplication.
1. Enter the change system-parameters customer-options command. On
Page 2 of the form, set the PNC Duplication? field to y. Press
2. Enter the change system-parameters duplication command. Change
the Enable operation of PNC duplication? field to y. Press
3. Enter the status pnc command. Verify the Duplicated ? field is yes.
4. Enter the list fiber command. All administered fiber connections display.
5. If a previously used fiber link is to be reused, enter the add fiber
<number> command. If this is a new fiber link, enter add fiber next.