DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets
Issue 5
May 1998
Test the System
Page 4-10Test Tone-Clock for each EPN
Test Tone-Clock for each EPN
1. Verify the screen displays: Command:
2. Type test tone-clock 2A (where 2A is the cabinet and carrier number for
one of the Tone-Clocks installed) and press
Circuit pack positions are usually given by cabinet, carrier, and slot.
They may also be given by port. The term “cabinet” refers to 1
Multi-Carrier Cabinet making up one port network. A port network is
defined as a group of cabinets connected together with 1 TDM bus.
If any result is FAIL, check the associated TDM bus cables and
intercabinet cables in the EPN.
3. Repeat Step 2 for each installed Tone-Clock circuit pack.
Test Tone-Clock Interchange for each
Critical reliability only.
1. Verify the screen displays: Command:
2. Type status system all-cabinets and press
Enter. This displays the
location of the Standby Tone-Clock.
3. Type set tone-clock xxx (where xxx is the port network/carrier for the
standby tone-clock). Press
4. Type status system all-cabinets and press Enter.
5. Verify the duplicated Tone-Clock is active using the information displayed
on the screen.
If any problems are indicated, check the TDM cables in the associated