DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets
Issue 5
May 1998
Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment
Page 5-89Add DS1 Tie and OPS
Add DS1 Tie and OPS
The TN722B DS1 Tie Trunk, TN767C DS1 Interface, and TN464C DS1 Interface
circuit packs provide connections to a 1.544 Mbps or 2.08 Mbps DS1 facility as
24 independent 64 kbps trunks. When upgrading from a TN722 to a TN767C:
1. Remove all TN722 trunk members from affected trunk groups.
2. Enter remove ds1 PCSS (PCSS is the slot containing the TN722).
3. Remove the TN722 circuit pack.
4. Put the TN767C circuit pack into the same slot.
5. Wait until the red LED goes off. The hardware tests take 12 to 20 seconds
to run. When the red LED goes off, the tests have completed.
6. If the red LED stays on, reseat the board and repeat this step.
7. Enter add ds1 PCSS.
8. Continue with appropriate procedures to set up members of trunk groups.
Service Interruption
Since the addition of DS1 tie-trunk service may require a service interruption,
notify the customer in advance as to when the addition will be carried out.
Disable Alarm Origination
1. Enter change system-parameters maintenance, and press RETURN.
2. Set the Alarm Origination Activated field to n.
If you do not disable Alarm Origination, the system may generate
alarms, resulting in unnecessary trouble tickets.
3. For some releases of software, disable Cleared Alarm Notification
and Restart Notification before submitting the form.