DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets
Issue 5
May 1998
Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment
Page 5-117Add CallVisor ASAI
Add CallVisor ASAI
Service Interruption
1. Since, if the packet bus is being added, the addition of CallVisor ASAI
requires a service interruption, notify the customer in advance as to when
the addition will be carried out.
Disable Alarm Origination
1. Enter change system-parameters maintenance and press Enter.
2. Set the Alarm Origination Activated field to n.
If you do not disable Alarm Origination, the system may generate
alarms, resulting in unnecessary trouble tickets.
3. For some releases of software, disable Cleared Alarm Notification
and Restart Notification before submitting the form.
Enter Added Translations
1. On the System-Parameters Customer-Options form, be certain that the
Calling Party Number/Billing Number (CPN/BN) option is disabled, and
enable the CallVisor ASAI Interface option. (Either CallVisor ASAI or
CPN/BN can be enabled on the switch, but not both.)
2. Also, enable the Packet Bus Activated option on the System-Parameters
Maintenance form.
3. See
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Administration and Feature Description
, for details on disabling and
enabling options on these forms.