Reference: Remote Commands ~ Command Description
OTS9100 User Manual 3-41
This command sets the auto-correct option for the receiver set point control to either on (1) or off (0).
When set with to the on (1) value, the system sets the receiver point with its default value, and disallows
any further manual setting. When set to the off (0) value, the user can manually adjust the receiver set
point. The query version of this action returns the current setting for the auto-correct value.
Syntax :SENSe<slot>:OPTical:THReshold:AUTO?
:SENSe<slot>:OPTical:THReshold:AUTO <Boolean>
This command selects the particular channel of the received signal from which overhead data is
monitored. The query form returns the current setting.
Syntax :SENSe<slot>:OVERhead:MONItor:CHANnel?
:SENSe<slot>:OVERhead:MONItor:CHANnel <NR1>
This command sets individual OTS9100 modules to the SONET or SDH signal mode. The query form
returns the current setting.
Syntax :SENSe <Slot>:SIGNal:STANdard?
Parameters Description
SONET Set module to SONET signal mode
SDH Set module to SDH signal mode
BERT Set module to BERT