Operating Basics: User Interface
OTS9100 User Manual 2-51
the Trace Value box and start typing. When the desired edits are complete, click OK to return to
the main menu. In 16-byte, the last byte is filled with CRC. In 64-byte, the last two bytes are
filled with CR LF.
Figure 2-29: J0 Trace Editor dialog box
J1 Multi-Byte Trace
J1 Trace provides a capability to uniquely identify each of the multiple channels being carried in
a Dense Wave Division Multiplexer (DWDM) system, providing an end-to-end continuity check.
To analyze, ensure the box beside the Analyze J1 Trace Mismatch is checked.
To edit, click on the Edit Expected J1 Trace button. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in
Figure 2-30, reflecting the current settings of the J1 Trace. Click the appropriate radio button to
choose between No Trace, 16 Byte Trace, and 64 Byte Trace. To input a Trace Value, click in
the Trace Value box and start typing. In 16-byte, the last byte is filled with CRC. In 64-byte, the
last two bytes are filled with CR LF.
Figure 2-30: J1 Trace Editor dialog box
Edit C2 Byte