Reference: Remote Commands ~ Command Description
3-56 OTS9100 User Manual
This command sets the data byte values transmitted in the Section Trace (J0) byte of the Transport
Overhead. The data bytes are formatted as a standard IEEE-488 data block. The query form returns the
current values.
Syntax :SOURce<slot>:DATA:SECTion:TRACe:VALUe?
:SOURce<slot>:DATA:SECTion:TRACe:VALUe <Block>
This command sets the data byte values transmitted in the Section Trace (J0) byte of the Transport
Overhead. The data byte values are specified as an ASCII string. The query form returns the current
Syntax :SOURce<slot>:DATA:SECTion:TRACe:VALUe:STRIng?
:SOURce<slot>:DATA:SECTion:TRACe:VALUe:STRIng <String>
This command sets the source of the data at the output of the OTS-9000 transmitter. The query form
returns the current setting.
Syntax :SOURce<slot>:DATA:SOURce?
:SOURce<slot>:DATA:SOURce <Enum>
Parameters Description
INTErnal The payload data comes from the internal test pattern generator
THRU Through mode: the transmitted data comes from the receiver
This command controls the SPE fixed byte stuffing in non-active STS-1 channels. When enabled,
columns 30 and 59 of the background channels contain the fixed byte value zero and are not used for
payload. This command is applicable when the background channel structure is set to STS-1. When
disabled, columns 30 and 59 are part of the background payload. The query form returns the current
setting. <Slot> is an optional number that specifies the module slot containing the device that is the target
of the command; if omitted, it defaults to the lowest-numbered slot containing an applicable device.
Syntax :SOURce<slot>:DATA:SPE:BACKground:STUFfing?
:SOURce<slot>:DATA:SPE:BACKground:STUFfing <Boolean>