Operating Basics: User Interface
2-36 OTS9100 User Manual
J1 Multi-Byte Trace
J1 Trace provides a capability to uniquely identify each of the multiple channels being carried in
a Dense Wave Division Multiplexer (DWDM) system, providing an end-to-end continuity check.
It is possible to extract for display the J1 trace to confirm channel ID.
The OTS9100 has the ability to generate unique J1 traces. This allows test signals to be easily
identified, or to simulate network-element generated traffic without the Trace Identifier
Mismatch (TIM) alarm being generated. The OTS9100 capability to display the received J1 trace
allows users to verify continuity and correct routing of individual channels within the multi-
channel DWDM system.
Figure 2-19: Transmitter J1 Trace dialog box
To edit, click on the Edit J1 Trace button. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 2-19,
reflecting the current settings of the J1 Trace. Click the appropriate radio button to choose
between No Trace, 16 Byte Trace, and 64 Byte Trace. To input a Trace Value, click in the Trace
Value box and start typing. When edits are complete, click OK to return to the main menu. In
16-byte, the last byte is filled with CRC. In 64-byte, the last two bytes are filled with CR LF.