Reference: Remote Commands ~ Command Description
3-64 OTS9100 User Manual
This command queries the value of the device option code.
Syntax :SOURce<slot>:OUTPut:LASer:INFO:OPTion?
This command queries the value of the laser serial number.
Syntax :SOURce<slot>:OUTPut:LASer:INFO:SERial?
This command queries the value of the Laser Wavelength setting.
Syntax :SOURce<slot>:OUTPut:LASer:INFO:WAVelength?
This query returns the state of the interlock key switch on the OTS interface module connected to the
selected transmitter. The key must be on for the laser to operate.
Syntax :SOURce<slot>:OUTPut:LASER:INTERlock?
This command sets individual OTS9100 modules to the SONET or SDH signal mode. The query form
returns the current setting.
Syntax :SOURce <Slot>:SIGNal:STANdard?
Parameters Description
SONET Set module to SONET signal mode
SDH Set module to SDH signal mode
BERT Set module to BERT