Reference: Remote Commands ~ Command Description
3-42 OTS9100 User Manual
This query reports the occurrence of various error and status conditions typically shown by front-panel
status indicator lights. The response is an integer number representing the time of the most recent status
change, followed by strings identifying the active conditions. The strings are listed in the table below. An
optional numeric parameter specifies a time value, such that only events that occurred after that time are
reported. If the time parameter is not present, it defaults to zero, corresponding to the start of the most
recent test.
Syntax :SENSe<slot>:STATus:LEDS? [<NR1>]
Condition String Word and bit value
Signal Not Present optical-los Parameter 1, bit value 1 (hex 1)
LOS los Parameter 2, bit value 1 (hex 1)
LOF lof Parameter 2, bit value 2 (hex 2)
OOF oof Parameter 2, bit value 4 (hex 4)
B1 B1 Parameter 2, bit value 8 (hex 8)
FAS fas Parameter 2, bit value 16 (hex 10)
RS-TIM / J0 Mismatch j0-tim Parameter 2, bit value 32 (hex 20)
MS AIS / AIS-L ais-l Parameter 3, bit value 1 (hex 1)
B2 b2 Parameter 3, bit value 2 (hex 2)
MS RDI / RDI-L rdi-l Parameter 4, bit value 1 (hex 1)
MS REI / REI-L rei-l Parameter 4, bit value 2 (hex 2)
No conditions set (none) All parameters 0 (hex 0)
This query is an alternative form of :SENSe:STATus:LEDS. It returns a time value and four integer values
that represent the status conditions listed in the table above. The parameters are returned as
hexadecimal (base 16) numbers. Each condition appears as a bit value in one of the four parameter
values returned; the particular parameter and bit value appears in the table above. Note that the high-
order eight bits of each parameter identify the parameter in question and do not represent LED status
conditions. The optional time parameter specifies the earliest time of interest.
Syntax :SENSe<slot>:STATus:LEDS:HEXadecimal? [<NR1>]
This query is an alternative form of :SENSe:STATus:LEDS. It returns a time value and four integer values
that represent the status conditions listed in the table above. The parameters are returned as decimal
numbers. Each condition appears as a bit value in one of the four parameter values returned; the
particular parameter and bit value appears in the table above. Note that the high-order eight bits of each
parameter identify the parameter in question and do not represent LED status conditions. The optional
time parameter specifies the earliest time of interest.
Syntax :SENSe<slot>:STATus:LEDS:NUMEric? [<NR1>]