Section 1. Getting Started
This section provides an introduction to the user interface, and includes the following topics:
Conguring the device to use TP-Link Embedded Web Interface
Starting the TP-Link Embedded Web Interface
Understanding the TP-Link Embedded Web Interface
Using Screen and Table Options
Resetting the Device
Logging Off from the Device
1.1 Conguring the device to use TP-Link Embedded Web Interface
When the device is received, the Embedded Web Interface can not be accessed until the device is properly congured. To
use TP-Link Embedded Web Interface, use the console interface to assign an IP address and subnet mask on the default
VLAN, and add a super-user with the highest privilege level (15) which is allowed to log onto the device via Embedded Web
Interface. Below is an example:
console> en
console# config
console(config)# username admin password admin level 15
console(config)# interface vlan 1
console(config-if)# ip address
console(config-if)# exit
console(config)# exit
console# copy running-config startup-config
01-Jan-2000 01:02:49 %COPY-I-FILECPY: Files Copy - source URL running-config destination URL flash://
01-Jan-2000 01:02:50 %COPY-W-TRAP: The copy operation was completed successfully
Copy succeeded
The above example uses the following assumptions:
The user name and password are both "admin"
The IP address assigned to the default VLAN is
The subnet mask for the network is
Once the device is congured as above, you can open the Embedded Web Interface authentication page by typing the URL
"" into the location bar of the web browser. And then use "admin" as both the user name and password to
log onto the device.
For more detailed information on how to congure the device via console interface, read "Section 4. Starting and Conguring
the Device" in the TP-Link Installation Guide.
1.2 Starting the TP-Link Embedded Web Interface
This section contains information on starting the TP-Link Embedded Web interface.
Disable the popup blocker before beginning device conguration using the EWS.