1. Click System > Bridging Cong > VLAN > GARP. The GARP Parameters Page opens:
Figure 77: GARP Parameters Page
The GARP Parameters Page contains the following elds:
Copy from Entry Number — Indicates the row
number from which GARP parameters are copied.
To Entry Number — Indicates the row number to
which GARP parameters are copied.
Interface — Displays the port or LAG on which GARP
is enabled.
Join Timer— Indicates the amount of time, in
centiseconds, that PDUs are transmitted. The default
value is 20 centiseconds.
Leave Timer— Indicates the amount of time lapse,
in centiseconds, that the device waits before leaving
its GARP state. Leave time is activated by a Leave All
Time message sent/received, and cancelled by the Join
message received. Leave time must be greater than or
equal to three times the join time. The default value is 60 centiseconds.
Leave All Timer — Indicates the amount of time lapse, in centiseconds, that all device waits before leaving the GARP
state. The leave all time must be greater than the leave time. The default value is 1000 centiseconds.
2. In the Copy From Entry Number eld, enter the interface #; in the To Row Number(s) eld, enter the row number of the
required interface.
3. Click . The GARP parameters are modied, and the device is updated.
To modify GARP settings:
1. Click
next to the item to modify. The GARP Parameters Settings Page opens:
Figure 78: GARP Parameters Settings Page
2. Modify the Timer parameters.
3. Click . The GARP parameters are modified,
and the device is updated.
7.3.5 Dening GVRP
GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP) is specifically provided for automatic distribution of VLAN membership
information among VLAN-aware bridges. GVRP allows VLAN-aware bridges to automatically learn VLANs to bridge ports
mapping, without having to individually congure each bridge and register VLAN membership.
To dene GVRP on the device:
1. Click System > Bridging Cong > VLAN > GARP > GVRP. The GVRP Parameters Page opens: