Term Denition
Uses a bus or star topology and supports data transfer rates of Mpbs. A newer version
called Fast Ethernet supports 100 Mbps. Ethernet is standardized as per IEEE 802.3.
Ethernet is the most commonly implemented LAN standard.
Embedded Web Server. Provides device management via a standard web browser.
Embedded Web Servers are used in addition to or in place of a CLI or NMS.
FE Fast Ethernet. Fast Ethernet transmits at 100 Mbps rather than 10 Mbps.
Fast Forward Table. Provides information about forwarding routes. If a packet arrives at a
device with a known route, the packet is forwarded via a route listed in the FFT. If there is
not a known route, the CPU forwards the packet and updates the FFT.
First In First Out. A queuing process where the rst packet in the queue is the rst to be
Flapping occurs when an interface’s state is constantly changing. For example, an
STP port constantly changes from listening to learning to forwarding. This may cause
detrimental trafc loss.
Flow Control
Enables lower speed devices to communicate with higher speed devices. This is
implemented by the higher speed device refraining from sending packets.
Fragment Ethernet packets smaller than 576 bits.
Frame Packets containing the header and trailer information required by the physical medium.
FTP File Transfer Protocol. Transfers les between network nodes.
GARP General Attributes Registration Protocol. Registers client stations into a multicast domain.
GigaBit Interface Converter. A hardware module used to attach network devices to ber-
based transmission systems. GBIC converts the serial electrical signals to serial optical
signals and vice versa.
Gigabit Ethernet
Gigabit Ethernet transmits at 1000 Mbps, and is compatible with existing 10/100 Ethernet
Generic Routing Encapsulation. Enables tunneling using encapsulation with various
protocol packet types. GRE creates a virtual point-to-point link to remote IP internetwork
GVRP GARP VLAN Registration Protocol. Registers client stations into a VLAN.
Host Monitoring Protocol. Collects network information from various networks hosts.
HMP monitors hosts spread over the internet as well as hosts in a single network.
Head of Line. Packets are queued. Packets at the head of the queue are forwarded
before packets at the end.
Hop The path between two network devices, for example, two routers.
Host A computer that acts as a source of information or services to other computers.
Hot Swapping
Allows specic modules to be removed and/or replaced while the host device is running
without reconguring the device.
HyperText Transport Protocol. Transmits HTML documents between servers and clients
on the internet.