Section 6. Dening IP Addresses
This section provides information for dening IP addresses on the device using DHCP and ARP. In addition, this section
contains parameters for dening device default gateways, and Domain Name Servers.
This section contains the following topics:
Dening IP Addressing
Dening Domain Name System
6.1 Dening IP Addressing
This section provides information for assigning interface and default gateway IP addresses, and dening ARP and DHCP
parameters for the interfaces.
This section contains the following topics:
Dening IP Addresses
Dening the Default Gateway
Dening DHCP Addresses
Dening ARP
6.1.1 Dening IP Addresses
The IP Interface Page contains elds for assigning IP addresses. Packets are forwarded to the default IP when frames are
sent to a remote network. The congured IP address must belong to the same IP address subnet of one of the IP interfaces.
1. Click System > System Info > IP Conguration > IP Addressing. The IP Interface Page opens:
Figure 53: IP Interface Page
The IP Interface Page contains the following elds:
IP Address — Displays the currently configured IP
Mask — Displays the currently congured IP address
Interface — Displays the interface used to manage the
Dynamic — Indicates that the IP address is
dynamically created.
Static — Indicates the IP address is a static IP address.
Remove — Removes the selected IP address from the interface. The possible eld values are:
– Checked — Removes the IP address from the interface.
– Unchecked — Maintains the IP address assigned to the Interface.
2. Click . The Add IP Interface Page opens: