1.4 Using Screen and Table Options
The TP-Link Embedded Web Interface contains screens and tables for configuring devices.
This section contains the following topics:
Adding Conguration Information
Modifying Conguration Information
Deleting Conguration Information
1.4.1 Adding Conguration Information
User-dened information can be added to specic TP-Link Web Interface pages, by opening a new Add page.
To add information to tables or TP-Link Web Interface pages:
1. Open an TP-Link Web Interface page.
2. Click . An Add page opens, for example Add IP Interface Page:
Figure 4: Add IP Interface Page
3. Dene the required elds.
4. Click . The conguration information is saved,
and the device is updated.
1.4.2 Modifying Conguration Information
User-dened information can be modied in specic TP-Link Web Interface pages, by opening a new Settings page.
To modify information in tables or TP-Link Web Interface pages:
1. Open the TP-Link Embedded Web Interface page.
2. Select a table entry.
3. Click . A Settings page opens, for example the IP Interface Settings Page:
Figure 5: IP Interface Settings Page
4. Modify the elds.
5. Click . The settings are saved, and the device
is updated.
1.5 Deleting Conguration Information
User-dened information can be deleted in specic TP-Link Web Interface pages, using the Remove function.
To delete information in tables or TP-Link Web Interface pages:
1. Open the TP-Link Embedded Web Interface page, for example IP Addressing Page.