14.3 Viewing Optical Transceivers
The Optical Transceivers Page allows network managers to perform tests on ber-optic cables.
Optical transceiver diagnostics can be performed only when the link is present.
To test cables:
Click System > Maintenance > Diagnostics > Optical Transceivers. The Optical Transceivers Page opens:
Figure 131: Optical Transceivers Page
The Optical Transceivers Page contains the following
Port — Displays the port IP address on which the
cable is tested.
Temperature — Displays the temperature (
C) at
which the cable is operating.
Voltage — Displays the voltage at which the cable is operating.
Current — Displays the current at which the cable is operating.
Output Power — Indicates the rate at which the output power is transmitted.
Input Power — Indicates the rate at which the input power is transmitted.
Transmitter Fault — Indicates if a fault occurred during transmission.
Loss of Signal — Indicates if a signal loss occurred in the cable.
Data Ready — Indicates the transceiver has achieved power up and data is ready.