ReferenceType Property
ReferenceType Property
Applies To
Vision Calibration
Sets / returns the reference type for a calibration.
VGet Calibration.ReferenceType, var
VSet Calibration.ReferenceType, value
Calibration Name of a calibration or string variable containing a calibration name.
var Integer variable that will contain the value of the property.
value Integer expression for the new value of the property.
1 - Taught points
2 - Upward camera
Default: 1 - Taught points
The calibration reference is a point defined in the robot coordinate system. When taught points are
specified, one or two points are taught using a tool on the robot end effector during the teaching process for
calibration points. When upward camera is specified, an upward camera that has already been calibrated is
used to find the reference target. This method is the most accurate.
See Also
CameraOrientation Property, PointsTaught Result, TwoPointReference Property
Vision Guide 5.0 Reference (Ver.5.3) Rev.1 115