(1) A space character that needs to be part of a message is specified as SP
Spaces within a syntax specification that are not specified as SP
are used
for formatting purposes to improve the readability; they don’t have any
semantical meaning.
Note: The only exception to this rule is the program header separator,
which separates the header from the parameter part in a
message. For reasons of readability, this required syntactical
element is not specified in any syntax definition. Sending a SP
between the header and parameter part will satisfy this
Example: The syntax specification INPut:STATe ON requires a SP character
in between the STATe node and the ON parameter. This message
is sent as INPut:STATeSP
ON. Sending INPut:STATeON causes a
Command Error.
(2) Except for the program header separator, any message from the Command
Summary and Command Specification sections can be sent to the
instrument exactly as defined by the syntax specification. However, these
specifications do not reflect all details of the flexible syntax structure that is
allowed when creating composite messages.
(3) The characters > and < in a string expression are considered as meta
symbols. When these characters are to be sent as literals in a string, they
are placed between quote characters.
Example: The specification "CH<n>", where <n> = [1] | 2, specifies the
following strings: "CH" | "CH1" | "CH2" , but "Number ">" 2"
specifies the string characters Number > 2.
4.1.2 Data types
<NRf> = <NR1> | <NR2> | <NR3>
Decimal Numeric Data.
<NR1> = <sign> <digit> {<digit>}
Notation for specifying a decimal number, e.g., -179.
<sign> = [+] | -
<NR2> = <NR2> is the same format as <NR1>, except that it uses
an explicit decimal point and may or may not be
preceded by a sign, e.g., -179.56.
<NR3> = <NR3> is the same format as <NR2>, except that an
exponent is added, e.g., -1.7956 E + 02.