Fluke PM-3390B Sander User Manual

2.2 Initializing the CombiScope Instrument
2.2.1 How to reset the CombiScope instrument
The instrument itself can be reset by sending the
RST command. This sets the
instrument to a fixed setup optimized for remote operation. The status and error
data of the instrument can be cleared by sending the
CLS command.
’Reset the instrument and clear the status data:
CALL Send(0, 8, "
RST", 1)
Resets the instrument
CALL Send(0, 8, "
CLS", 1)
Clears the status data
2.2.2 How to identify the CombiScope instrument
The identity of the instrument can be queried by sending the
IDN? query,
followed by reading the instrument response message. The options of the
instrument can be queried by sending the
OPT? query, followed by reading the
instrument response message.
’Read and print the identity and options of the instrument:
response$ = SPACE$(65)
CALL Send (0, 8, "
IDN?", 1)
Requests for identification
CALL Receive (0, 8, response$, 256)
Reads the ident string
PRINT "Ident: "; LEFT$(response$, IBCNT%)
Prints the ident string
CALL Send (0, 8, "
OPT?", 1)
Requests for options
CALL Receive (0, 8, response$, 256)
Reads the options string
PRINT "Options: "; LEFT$(response$, IBCNT%) ’
Prints the options string
2.2.3 How to switch between digital and analog mode
After power on, a CombiScope instrument can be either in the digital or analog
mode. After a
RST command the digital mode is selected. The INSTrument sub-
system allows you to switch between the two modes. This can be done by speci-
fying a predefined name (DIGital, ANALog) or the corresponding number
(1 = digital, 2 = analog).
’Initialize and change the operating mode of the CombiScope instrument:
CALL Send (0, 8, "INSTrument ANALog", 1)
Switches to analog mode
CALL Send (0, 8, "INSTrument:NSELect 1", 1) ’
Switches back to digital mode