- IDY = Identify
- IDN = Identification
- IEC = International Electrotechnical Commission
- IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
- i.e. = id est (that is)
- IFC = Interface Clear
- INT = Internal
- I/O = Input/Output
- ISO = International Standards Organization
- L = Listener
- LF = Line Feed
- LLO = Local Lockout
- LO = Listen Only
- MAX = Maximum
- MAV = Message Available
- MIN = Minimum
- MLA = My Listen Address
- MSS = Master Summary Status
- MTA = My Talk Address
- MTB = Main Time Base
- NL = New Line (equal to LF)
- NRf = Numeric format
- NTF = Negative Transition Filter
- NTR = Negative Transition Register
- NTSC = National Television System Committee
- OPC = Operation Complete
- OPER = Operation
- OPT = Optional
- OSC = Oscilloscope
- PAL = Phase Alternating Line
- phs = program header separator
- pmt = program message terminator
- pmu = program message unit
- PON = Power ON
- PP = Parallel Poll
- PTF = Positive Transition Filter
- PTR = Positive Transition Register
- QUES = Questionable