The oscilloscope is only able to calculate rise and fall time characteristics, if the
<low_reference> and <high_reference> parameters are limited to 1/8 division
from their maximum and minimum. The limit of 0.125 divisions (noise level)
depends on the vertical sensitivity of the top-to-top value (PTPeak) of the actual
signal and is calculated as follows:
- If PTPeak < 1 div., limit = 0.125 x 100% = 12.5% 87.5%
- If PTPeak < 2 div., limit = (0,125 / 2) x 100% = 6.25% 93.75%
- If PTPeak < 3 div., limit = (0,125 / 3) x 100% = 4.16% 95.84%
- If PTPeak < 4 div., limit = (0,125 / 4) x 100% = 3.125% 96.87%
- If PTPeak < 5 div., limit = (0,125 / 5) x 100% = 2.5% 97.5%
- If PTPeak < 6 div., limit = (0,125 / 6) x 100% = 2.08% 97.92%
- If PTPeak < 7 div., limit = (0,125 / 7) x 100% = 1.78% 98.22%
- If PTPeak < 8 div., limit = (0,125 / 8) x 100% = 1.56% 98.44%
- If PTPeak < 9 div., limit = (0,125 / 9) x 100% = 1.38% 98.62%
- If PTPeak < 10 div., limit = (0,125 / 10) x 100% = 1.25% 98.75%
For frequency, delay, period, and dutycycle calculations these limits are also
applicable for the <middle_reference> parameter.
(1) For reasons of compatibility with similar programs for other instruments, the
syntax for the MEASure?, FETCh?, CONFigure, and READ? command
allows the default node [:SCALar]. When used, this node must be placed
after the leading node (MEASure, FETCh, CONFigure, or READ) but before
the default [:VOLTage] node.
(2) Parenthesis around the <voltage_parameters> may be left out when no
<measure_parameter> exists.
(3) A MEASure? query is always executed over the whole acquisition length of
512 samples (not cursor limited).