SYSTem:KEY <NRf> | MINimum | MAXimum
<NRf> Reference number to a key:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: softkey-1 (top) to softkey-6 (bottom)
101, 102, 103, etc.: top row of keys (left to right)
801, 802, 803, etc.: bottom row of keys (left to right)
MINimum Specifies the smallest key number.
MAXimum Specifies the largest key number.
Query form:
SYSTem:KEY? [MINimum | MAXimum]
<NR1> Reference number of the last key for which pressing
was simulated.
If MINimum was specified, the minimum possible key number is
If MAXimum was specified, the maximum possible key number is
The SYSTem:KEY command simulates the action of pressing a front panel key,
specified by the rounded integer value of the key number.
The SYSTem:KEY? query returns the key number corresponding to the last key
that was pressed. A value of -1 indicates that no key was pressed since power on
or after a
RST command. If the URQ (user request) bit in the standard Event
Status Register (ESR) is set, a key on the front panel has been pressed. This
URQ bit can be used to signal the event of pressing a key on the front panel to
the controller.
Note: With this command the pressing of one key at the same time is simulated.
A combination, e.g., STATUS + TEXT OFF at the same time, cannot be
simulated. The command execution is finished directly. However, the
actions that take place in the instrument as a result of a SYSTem:KEY
command, can last longer. A SYSTem:KEY command cannot be
synchronized by sending a
WAI or
OPC? immediately thereafter.
Example: SYSTem:KEY 101;
WAI continues program execution
immediately (
WAI ignored), although the AUTOSET
(= key 101) still continues for a few seconds.