C.2 Glossary of Symbols Used
- µV = micro voltage (1E-6)
- dB = decibell
- dBm = decibell with respect to 1 mW
- dB
µV = decibell with respect to 1 µV
- Vrms = RMS voltage (Peak /
- Hz = Hertz
- m = meter
- Mbyte = Megabyte
- ms = milliseconds
- mw = milliwatt (1E-3)
- s = seconds
-% = percentage
- [ ... ] = Default program message part, which can be optionally specified.
This means that a program message may or may not contain the
defaulted keyword, without changing the semantic meaning of the
- { ... } = Program message part that can be repeated (zero or more times).
- | = sign to indicate a choice (... or ...)
- ^ = Ctrl key, E.g.,, ^END means Ctrl + END
- = ’logical OR’ symbol (... or ...)
- = ’logical AND’ symbol (... and ...)
C.3 List of Tables
Table 3.1 The TRIGger modes (section
Table 3.2 Relation between acquisition length and available trace memory
(section 3.10)
Table 3.3 The Operation Status bits (section
Table 3.4 The Questionable Status bits (section
Section 4.2 Command summary
Table 4.1 Display character set for CombiScope instruments
Table 4.2 MTB values in the digital mode (SENSe:SWEep:TIME)
Table 4.3 Reference numbers for front panel keys (SYSTem:KEY)
Appendix B.3 Cross reference functions/commands
Appendix E Summary of instrument settings per node.