This query measures the amplitude of a waveform at the default input
channel 1. After the acquisition, the resulting amplitude is returned.
MEASure:VOLTage:AMPLitude? 10, (@2)
This query measures the amplitude of a signal at channel 2 (@2). But, since
it specifies the expected voltage value (10 volts), it will complete the
measurement faster.
In a similar way the measure function parameters provide the oscilloscope with
information about the signal characteristic to be measured. The parameters that
are allowed depend upon the requested signal characteristic (measure function).
The measure function parameters that specify a voltage characteristic, such as
:AC, :AMPLitude, :HIGH, :MINimum, etc, use the voltage parameters for that
purpose. Measure functions, such as fall and rise time, frequency and period, use
time units. Their expected value and desired resolution are specified in seconds
or Hertz as separate measure parameters.
MEASure:VOLTage:FREQuency? 10E6, (@3)
This query measures the frequency of the signal at input channel 3. The
expected frequency is 10 MHz, whereas, the expected voltage is defaulted.
Notice that this command is equivalent to the MEASure:FREQuency? 10E6,
(@3) command.
MEASure:VOLTage:FREQuency? 5, 10E6, (@3)
This query does the same as the previous example, except that the expected
voltage is 5 volts.