Model G0440/G0441 (Mfg. Since 03/12)
7. Carefully lift the filter out of the canister
assembly, as shown in Figure 65.
Figure 65. Removing the filter from the canister
8. Before re-inserting a filter into the assembly,
make sure that the filter brush base is aligned
with two of the fastener holes around the
base of the assembly (see Figure 66). This
will allow the canister base to align with the
fastener holes around the brush base.
Figure 66. Filter brush base aligned with
assembly fastener holes.
9. Re-insert a filter into the canister assembly.
Note: Make sure the bristles of the brush are
straight to ensure efficient cleaning of the
filter when needed.
10. Re-attach the canister base in the reverse
order that you removed it.
11. Re-attach the canister assembly to the dust
collector, then re-install a fresh collection bag
with the bag clamp.