
G8030 3 H.P. Overarm Router
Dust Control
The overarm router produces a significant amount
of wood dust. Although it does not have a dedi-
cated dust collection port, we recommend using a
universal dust collector attachment such as the
Grizzly G2754. Designed to hold a suction inlet as
close to the cutting operation as possible without
interfering with the machine movement, the dust
collector will be able to eliminate most of the wood
dust produced. The overarm router is also
equipped with a chip blower (Figure 27) that can
help keep the cutting area clear by blowing and
redirecting the wood dust towards the dust collec-
Figure 26. Straight routing direction.
Straight Routing
The overarm router can also be used to do
straight routing procedures as well. The overarm
router comes with a clamp-on fence that can be
adjusted on the table. The guide pin is removed
when using the fence. This type of routing is the
same as routing on a traditional routing table
except that the router is mounted above the work-
piece. The advantage of this is having increased
visibility of the cut while it is being performed.
Figure 27. Chip Blower.
1. Set the fence to the position required for the
routing application. Tighten down the bolts
securely so the fence will not move accident-
2. The feed direction will be from the left to the
right. Note that this is the opposite way that is
normally used for a router table or shaper,
where the motor is mounted below the table
as shown in Figure 26.
3. Establish the correct depth of cut using the
depth control knob and the spindle base
height handwheel.
4. Activate the foot pedal and slowly feed the
workpiece into the router bit.
Feed Direction