6. Fit the new blade in place,
ensuring that the teeth point
toward the front of the saw
7. Apply tension to the new blade
by rotating the blade tension
8. Center the band saw blade on
the band saw wheel.
9. Turn the upper wheel by hand
to ensure the blade is centered
on the wheels.
10.Adjust saw blade tracking as
needed (see procedure).
11.Close both housing doors.
12.Swing the lower blade guide
back into position.
13.Attach the (U-clamp) under the
work table with two screws
provide and two thumb nuts.
14.Attach the rip fence to the
table and secure it by pushing
the locking handle down.
Use of controls or procedures, or performance of proce-
dures other then those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation
AAllwwaayyss rreemmoovvee ppoowweerr tthhee ssaaww,, bbyy ttuurrnniinngg tthhee ppoowweerr
sswwiittcchh ooffff
aanndd tthheenn uunnpplluuggggiinngg iitt,, bbeeffoorree mmaakkiinngg aannyy aaddjjuussttmmeennttss.. FFaaiilluurree ttoo
ddoo ssoo ccaann rreessuulltt iinn sseevveerree iinnjjuurryy
oorr ddeeaatthh..
1. Fully raise the upper blade guide.
2. Check that the band saw tension is
3. Loosen the table locking knob and
table setting lever.
4. Using a square, adjust the work table
at a right angle to the blade.
5. Tighten the table locking knob and
table setting lever.
6. Loosen the locking nut located beneath
the work table and adjust the screw
stop until it touches the work table.
7. Tighten the locking nut to secure the screw stop in position.
8. Check that the blade is 90 degrees to the table by making a practice cut on a
scrap piece of similar wood and checking that it is square.
This band saw is equipped with a general-purpose wood cutting blade.
AAllwwaayyss rreemmoovvee ppoowweerr ttoo tthhee ssaaww,, bbyy ttuurrnniinngg tthhee ppoowweerr
sswwiittcchh ooffff aanndd t
thheenn uunnpplluuggggiinngg iitt,, bbeeffoorree iinnssttaalllliinngg tthhee bbllaaddee.. FFaaiilluurree ttoo ddoo
ssoo ccaann rreessuulltt iinn sseevveerree iinnjjuurryy oorr ddeeaat
1. Remove the rip fence from the table.
2. Remove the bracket from under the work table by loosening the two knobs.
3. Open both housing doors.
4. Loosen the blade tension knob to remove tension from the blade.
5. Remove the blade by guiding it through the slot in the work table, the upper
blade guide and the blade cover on the saw housing.
NOTE: Use only recommended blades for the job.