OM-203 034 Page 22
5-3. Meter Functions For CV Only Models
. The meters display the actual weld output values for approximately three seconds after the arc is broken.
Mode Meter Reading At Idle Meter Reading While Welding
Preset Volts Blank
Actual Volts Actual Amps
24.5 250
Pulse Display Pulse Display
Actual Volts Actual Amps
24.5 250
5-4. Front Panel Controls For CC/CV Models
1 Power Switch
. The fan motor is thermostatically
controlled and only runs when cooling is
2 Voltmeter (see Section 5-5)
3 Ammeter (see Section 5-5)
4 V/A (Voltage/Amperage) Adjust Control
5 Voltage/Amperage Control Switch
For front panel control, place switch in Panel
position and use the V/A Adjust control.
For remote control, make connections to Re-
mote 14 receptacle, and place switch in Re-
mote position. In most modes, remote control
is a percent of the V/A Adjust control setting.
Value selected on V/A Adjust is maximum
available on remote. In the MIG mode, re-
mote control provides full range of unit output
regardless of V/A Adjust control setting.
6 Mode Switch
The Mode switch setting determines both the
process and output On/Off control (see Sec-
tion 5-6). Source of control (panel or remote)
for the amount of output is selected on the V/A
Control switch.
For Air Carbon Arc (CAC-A) cutting and
gouging, place switch in the Stick position.
For best results, place Inductance/Dig con-
trol in the maximum position.
7 Inductance/Dig Control
Control adjusts Dig when the Stick or CC
mode is selected on the Mode switch. When
set towards minimum, short-circuit amper-
age at low arc voltage is the same as normal
welding amperage.
When set towards maximum, short-circuit
amperage is increased at low arc voltage to
assist with arc starts as well as reduce stick-
ing while welding (see volt-ampere curves in
Section 4-3).
Select setting best suited for application.
Control adjusts inductance when MIG posi-
tion is selected on the Mode switch. Induc-
tance determines the “wetness” of the weld
puddle. When set towards maximum, “wet-
ness” (puddle fluidity) increases.
When Pulsed MIG, or one of the TIG modes
is selected, this control is not functional.
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