Miller Electric 456 CC Welding System User Manual

OM-203 034 Page 27
6-3. Removing Case and Measuring Input Capacitor Voltage
Turn Off welding power source, and
disconnect input power.
1 Outside Handle Screws
To loosen top, remove two outside
handle screws from both handles
and all side bolts.
2 Interconnecting Board PC2
3 Voltmeter
Measure the dc voltage across the
screw terminals on RC3 and RC5
as shown until voltage drops to near
0 (zero) volts.
Proceed with job inside unit. Rein-
stall cover when finished.
Tools Needed:
5/16 in
802 260 / 801 536
+ lead to lower right
terminal, lead to
upper right terminal
! Significant DC voltage can remain on capac-
itors after unit is Off. Always check the volt-
age as shown to be sure the input capacitors
have discharged before working on unit.