Setting Up the Philips amBX PC Scenes
2. Click the Animation button.
The 'Animation Settings' panel appears.
3. Click the
Disable button.
The animation will not be used in the scene.
When you start the scene, the lights and fans will react like defined in the
Peripheral Scene Settings
4. Click the
OK button to confirm the changes.
The 'Animation Settings' panel closes.
5. Click the
Save Changes button.
The changes to the Peripheral Scene Settings are stored.
If you do not click Save Changes after you closed the 'Animation Settings' panel, your changes
will be lost as soon as you close Direct Control or select the Configuration tab.
Disable button is a toggle button. When you press the button, an action starts and the label of the
button changes, describing the opposite action.
Toggled State 1 Pressed State Toggled State 2
To enable the animation in the scene you click the same button in the 'Animation Settings' panel but that
is now labeled '
Rename a Scene
1. Select the Scene Settings tab.
The 'Scene Settings' screen appears.
2. Select the scene you want to rename in the
Scenes Selector.
3. Click the
Rename Scene button.
The 'Rename Scene' panel appears.
4. Replace the name in the text field by the new name.
5. Click the
OK button to confirm you want to rename the scene.
The new name appears in the Scenes Selector.
You do not need to click the button Save Changes after you closed the 'Rename Scene' panel.
The new name of the scene is automatically saved when you click
OK in the 'Rename Scene'
Define the Overall Brightness in a Static Scene
You use the Brightness slider in the left pane of the Scene Settings screen to control the brightness of all
Philips amBX™ PC Gaming lighting Peripherals relative to their own individual settings that are used in
static scene
On the side of the Speaker Light you can also find a brightness slider to adjust the brightness while you are
playing games or listening to music.
For Example
You have set your Lights to a brightness of 20% and your Wall Washer & Controller to a
brightness of 40%.
When you increase the overall brightness from 100% to 150%, your Lights will shine with a