RotoZip RZ2000 Saw User Manual

?30?::7 A guard protects operator from
broken wheel fragments. The support ribs and
auxiliary handle provide additional guarding,
stability and control in cut off applications. The
body of your Rotozip tool can also be used as
a handle.
,9/ +4;8,?0> ,@C474,=D 3,9/70 ,=0
1=:8fire forward ?:fire reverse :=,1?0=
.3,92492?30B3007> A tool missing an
essential safety component is dangerous to
(0,= ;=:;0= ,;;,=07 B3470 @>492 ,9
,-=,>4A0.@?:11?::7 Face shield or at least
safety goggles, dust mask, leather gloves and
shop apron capable of stopping small wheel or
workpiece fragments.
B4?3(0?4,8:9/(3007> Using water or
other liquid coolants with this tool may result in
electrocution or shock. Use of Dry Diamond
Wheels is acceptable.
B4?3?30.:==0.?>4E0,=-:=3:70 0A0=@>0
=:@9/9@? Other types of wheels are not
intended to apply load on periphery and may
shatter. Wheels with arbor holes that do not
match the mounting hardware of the tool will
run eccentrically, vibrate excessively and will
cause loss of control.
.@?:11B3007> Side forces applied to these
wheels may cause them to shatter.
: 9:? @>0 ?34> ,??,.3809? B4?3
.@??492?::?30/-7,/0> These blades are not
intended for this tool and can create loss of
control during use.
,??,.3809? Wheels running over the rated
speed can fly apart and cause injury.
/@=492?34>?480 Fragments from a wheel
that bursts during operation will fly away at
great velocity possibly striking you or
1=:87,=20=,-=,>4A0.@?:11?::7> Wheels
intended for larger tools are not suitable for the
higher speed of a smaller tool, these wheels
may easily burst and the fragments strike you
or bystanders.
,=8:=B=4>? If you lose control and have the
cord wrapped around your arm or wrist, it may
entrap you and cause injury.
?30B3007-@?9:?497490B4?3?30B3007 It
is important to support the tool properly and to
position your body such as to minimize body
exposure from the possible wheel binding and
the recoil of the tool.
:1.:9?=:7 '#;7,.0D:@=3,9/-0349/
8,?0=4,7B309B30074>8:A492 If both
hands are holding the tool, they cannot be cut
by the wheel
?::7 Let the rotating wheel do the work,
Abrasive Cut Off Tools are intended to “cut”
the material in a series of shallow depth of
cuts. See the instructions for depth of cut later
in this manual.
0/20>0?. This can cause loss of control and
tool’s recoil.
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